Comercial Law
Comercial Law
Corporate Law. Corporate law. Ethics and compliance law. Shareholders’ agreements. Setting up of companies. Proceedings before local registries such as Inspección General de Justicia, Comisión Nacional de Valores and other entities. Advice with respect to ordinary and extraordinary issues related to companies’ activities. Setting up and development of joint ventures.
Corporate Conflicts. Advice to shareholders and companies. Mechanisms to prevent conflicts. Negotiation.
Distribution, Licence, Franchise and Agency Agreements. Advice, negotiation, drafting of distribution, license, franchise, agency and concession agreements. Alternatives for the termination of agreements and consequences.
Guarantees. Structuring and negotiation of personal guarantees, banking guarantees, mortgages, pledges, trusts, assignment of credits and others.
Business Law
Business Law
Purchase of companies and bulk of assets. Investment in companies. Purchase of companies and bulk of assets. Advice and analysis of the investment. Structure of the investment. Due diligence. Merger and spin off of companies.
Public Offering Regime. Issue of shares, preferred shares, obligaciones negociables and other bonds with or without guarantee. Public tender offer of shares or bonds. Filings and proceedings with the Comisión Nacional de Valores and other related entities. Drafting of offering memoranda and prospecti.
Banking Law. Regulatory advice to shareholders, directors and banks. Proceedings before the Central Bank.
Finance Law. Negotiation and drafting of loan and syndicated loan agreements. Debt restructuring. Analysis of mechanisms and alternatives of credits. Structuring of guarantees.
Antitrust Law. Advice on general antitrust matters. Proceedings with the Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia and related entities.
Project Finance. Advice on structuring and financing of projects in several areas.
Energy. Oil and Gas and Renewable Energies. Advice on legal matters and applicable regulations, negotiation and drafting of contracts.
Trusts. Negotiation and drafting of documents related to real estate, agricultural, securities, and bond trusts, etc.
Agribusiness. Advice on purchase and sale of real estate. Lease and exploitation of land.
Civil Law
Civil Law
Agreements. Drafting and negotiation of lease agreements, mandate, work and services and purchase and sale of real estate and other goods, development of real estate projects. Advice on termination of agreements.
Inheritance law and family matters. Patrimonial issues. Donations. Family estate planning.
Damages. Contractual and tort claims, coordination of experts and technical consultants.
Dispute Resolution. Negotiation. Arbitral Proceedings. Court and out-of-court proceedings.